Tampa East Sertoma Club

Tampa East Sertoma Club is one of the oldest service clubs in the community having been chartered in 1965. Sertoma stands for SERvice TO MAnkind, which is a perfect fit for the group's mission. Giving back to the community takes many forms for club members, from volunteering physical labor, such as “Paint Your Heart Out Tampa” to holding events throughout the year to raise money for charitable organizations. Some fundraising events are held every year, and the club counts on the generosity of members and others to help make them a success. We have hosted this Annual Golf Classic for over 37 years with all proceeds going to support local charitable organizations including: Early Childhood Council, Trinity Café, Boys State, Sunrise Children’s Services, Trinity Outreach, Paint Your Heart Out Tampa, James A. Haley VCS 673 (Vet’s Bingo) and Sertoma’s Youth Ranch, Speech and Hearing and Camp Endeavor. Tampa East is proud of giving more than 50 years of service to their community.